【Zero Finance X-Large Personal Loan】Welcome Offer: Enjoy up to HK$15,400 Cash Rebates

Promotion Code: Designated Referral Code
Promotion Period: From 27 November 2023 to 31 May 2024

Promotion Detail:

  • Both new and existing customers applying for the Zero Finance(‘’the Company’’) X-Large Personal Loan(“loan”) for the first time, by entering the specified referral code during the application process, the eligible customer can enjoy a HK$400 WeChat Pay E-cash Voucher(‘’WeChat Voucher’’).
  • Eligible customer successfully disbursed loan amounts of HKD 150,001 or above, can enjoy up to $15,000 cash rebates. Both new and existing customers who apply and successfully disburse the dedicated loan amount during the promotional period of this campaign and maintain a repayment period of 24 months or above are eligible to have the reward. Please check below list for the details of cash rebates (“Cash Reward”).

Cash Reward (HK$)

Drawdown Loan Amount (HK$)

Loan Tenor 24 months or above











$800,001 or above


  • The $400 WeChat Voucher will be issued in WeChat Mobile App(‘’WeChat App’’) by WeChat Pay HK after successful application 30 days from the last day of the month.
  • The Cash Reward for loan withdrawal will be deposited into the Reward Wallet of eligible customers’ X Wallet APP(‘’Reward Wallet’’) in the form of rebate 90 days after the first contribution and will have an in-app message to notify eligible customers.
  • Eligible customers can withdraw the Cash Reward from their Reward Wallet. The Cash Reward will be credited to the designated Hong Kong bank account in about two working days (public holidays or Saturdays and Sundays are not considered as working days).
  • Eligible customers need to download and register X Wallet APP to receive the inbox message of the reward. He/she also have to open a Reward Wallet and register a Hong Kong bank account in X Wallet APP to receive and withdraw the Cash Reward.
  • If Eligible Customers make early settlement after received the Cash Reward, his/her Reward entitlement will hence be forfeited, the Company reserves the right to withdraw the Cash Reward from the Reward Wallet or to debit the Cash Reward from Eligible Customer’s loan accounts in the Company without any prior notice and providing any reasons. The Company reserves the right to debit the Cash Reward from Eligible Customer in any means as appropriate.


X-Large Personal Loan Terms and Conditions

  1. The promotion period is from 27 November 2023 to 31 May

2024, both dates inclusive (“Promotion Period”).

  1. Eligible existing and new customers successfully apply for Zero Finance Hong Kong Limited (‘’the Company’’) ‘’X-Large Personal Loan’’ (“loan”) for the first time, entering the designated referral code during the application process, regardless of the application is approved or not, he/she can obtain HK$400 WeChat Pay E-cash Voucher(‘’WeChat Voucher’’). This offer is not applicable to customers who have applied for loan within the past 12 months (i.e. 27 November 2022 onwards) of this promotion.
  2.     Up to HKD 15,000 cash rebate (“Cash Reward”) is applicable to applicants who successfully apply the Loan within the Promotion Period and drawdown the loan successfully by 16 June 2024 with drawdown amount not less than HKD 150,001 and tenor not less than 24 months (“Eligible Customer”).

Cash Reward (HK$)

Drawdown Loan Amount (HK$)

Loan Tenor 24 months or above











$800,001 or above


  1. 4. The time for submitting loan applications is subject to the computer records of the Company. Late applications will not be accepted.
  2. Customer will only entitle this offer once during the promotion period. The offer cannot be used in conjunction with other promotion offers.
  3. Eligible customers need to download and register X Wallet Mobile APP (‘’X Wallet APP”) to receive the inbox message of the reward. He/she also have to open a Reward Wallet and register a Hong Kong bank account in X Wallet APP to receive and withdraw the Cash Reward.
  4. The $400 WeChat Voucher will be issued in WeChat Mobile App(‘’WeChat App’’) by WeChat Pay HK after successful application 30 days from the last day of the month.
  1. The Company will be deemed to have waived its liability when the digital coupon code rewards are credited to eligible customers. WeChat Voucher rewards are available while stocks last.
  2. Use of the WeChat Pay HK E-cash Voucher is subject to terms and conditions. The Company is not the supplier of the voucher and is not responsible for the voucher. WeChat Pay HK is solely responsible for any liability in relation to the voucher. If you have any queries, comments or complaints regarding the service and Terms & Conditions of the voucher, please contact the WeChat Pay HK directly. (https://www.zerofinance.hk/en/wechat-pay-hl-tc/ )
  3. Any of the rewards of this promotion is neither transferable, cancellable nor returnable. The Company reserves the right to replace the voucher with another of equal value without prior notice.
  4. The Cash Reward for loan withdrawal will be deposited into the Reward Wallet of eligible customers (‘’Reward Wallet’’) in the form of rebate 90 days after the first contribution. Upon Cash Reward disbursement, Eligible Customer’s HKD savings accounts at the Bank must be valid and in good standing. In addition, Eligible Customer must not make early settlement of the loan, or with any overdue record or in breach of the Company’s X-Large Personal Loan Terms and Conditions, upon this cash rebate disbursement.
  1. If Eligible Customers make early settlement after received the Cash Reward, his/her Reward entitlement will hence be forfeited, the Company reserves the right to withdraw the Cash Reward from the Reward Wallet or to debit the Cash Reward from Eligible Customer’s loan accounts in the Company without any prior notice and providing any reasons. The Company reserves the right to debit the Cash Reward from Eligible Customer in any means as appropriate.
  2. The Company reserves the right to verify the customer’s identity. Customers will be disqualified from the offer without prior notice if the personal information provided is found to be unknown, unclear, or missing and unable to contact the customers or verify the customer’s identity.
  3. All the personal information collected will follow the personal data privacy policies of the Company.
  4. The Company will not accept any liability for any problems due to computer, network, telephone, and other technical issues that cause the customer to delay or miss submitting an application. The customers cannot take any legal action or investigation against the company.
  5. In case there is any suspicious abuse, misuse or fraud, the Company reserves the absolute right to forfeit the Eligible Customers’ entitlement to the above offers, withdraw or debit the Cash Reward from Eligible Customer’s Reward Wallet in the Company or other means as appropriate, without prior notice and providing any reasons.

按此下載及申請 X Wallet:https://bit.ly/3GlgRsP

投訴熱線:2531 0333

欲知更多有關Zero Finance或X Wallet之資訊及貸款服務,歡迎致電客戶服務熱線 2531 0333,WhatsApp 2531 0331 或瀏覽官方網頁 : https://www.zerofinance.hk/

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