今個周末齊齊力撐年輕人實現創業夢!7月1日至2日於荃灣南豐紗廠M樓Annex舉辦的《心靈清湯|嘉年華市集》搞搞新意思,即將上演一場「市集營銷大挑戰」,4個由年輕人創立的本土品牌,將在市集使出渾身解數以競逐「營銷最強大獎」,勝出隊伍將獲得贊助商X Wallet的一萬元現金獎。另外,今次市集更提供超抵優惠,X Pay新用戶於指定合作商戶使用X Pay付款,即可享首單半價!
今次一連兩日的「市集營銷大挑戰」獲全港首個A.I.秒批貸款App – X Wallet全力支持,並與FM財自聯同飛翔市集合作策劃。4組參賽隊伍包括︰自稱「唔識飲酒」,因而研發手工氣泡茶Chill的樽仔Zizu;多種創新口味、顏值爆燈的手作馬卡龍專賣店22.BakeLab;致力令不同女生都找到最適合自己、著得「正」的自家製瑜伽衫店JENG.HK;強調噴香水不是女性專利、研發出多款獨家香水的木見X不只。大家記得來支持他們!
《心靈清湯|嘉年華市集》獲X Pay全力支持,提供半價市集消費現金券俾入場朋友!客人於指定合作商戶使用「先買後付」平台X Pay付款,即可享首單半價優惠,折扣額高達$50。
市集營業時間:下午13:00 – 晚上19:00
地點:南豐紗廠M樓室內The Annex(荃灣白田壩街45號)
For Enquiry
+852 2531 0333
Email Us
Service hour
Mon – Fri: 9:00-18:00
Sat, Sun and public holidays closed
You have to repay your loans. Don’t pay any intermediaries.
Scan QR Code to
Download APP
The minimum and maximum repayment period is 12 months and 72 months respectively.
The Minimum annual percentage rate is 12% and maximum annual percentage rate is 48%
A representative example of total cost for a loan below is for reference only:
Loan mount:HK$10,000
Monthly instalment of HK$889 for 12 months
Monthly interest rate: 0.55%
Annual interest rate: 12%
Total repayment amount: HK$10,688
According to user Lynn’s sharing, briefly describe her loan information:
The shortest repayment period starts from 61 days and the longest is 48 months.
Effective annual interest rate: 8%
Interest rate: 0.67% monthly
Loan amount: $15,000
A 48-month installment loan with a monthly repayment: $50
Total repayment: $17,400
The above loan-related fees are for reference only
Actual annual interest rate is from 8% to 48% as maximum.
According to user Lynn’s sharing, briefly describe her loan information:
The shortest repayment period starts from 61 days and the longest is 48 months.
Effective annual interest rate: 8%
Interest rate: 0.67% monthly
Loan amount: $15,000
A 48-month installment loan with a monthly repayment: $50
Total repayment: $17,400
The above loan-related fees are for reference only
Actual annual interest rate is from 8% to 48% as maximum.